Dung Beetle Design Attributes

© 2019 by Tom Boynton (editing by Kathy Boynton)

Years ago, shortly after we moved to our farm, I noticed a bug I’d not seen before.  It was a dung beetle.  I could hardly believe what I was seeing.  It was diligently rolling a ball of something across the field.  The ball was bigger than the beetle and made of manure.  The manure was probably cow manure since we had cows in that field.  The beetle would crawl almost to the top of the ball until the ball rolled toward it. It repeated this process over and over.  I was so intrigued, I must have watched it for ten minutes. During that time, it persisted in moving the ball about 10 feet.

After some research, I discovered the dung beetle buries itself with the manure ball which it uses for food.  Later, the female beetle lays her eggs in the ball.  After the eggs hatch, the ball becomes their food too.

Have you ever considered the impossibility of such a creature coming into existence through an evolutionary process of random chance and natural selection?  During its supposed evolution, before cattle and other dung producing animals existed, there would be no dung for its use.  Without dung, how would “natural selection” result in such a complex organism so well suited to gathering and utilizing dung?

If you don’t believe an infinitely intelligent God created everything, please watch a dung beetle for just a few minutes and explain to me all of the steps that took place in this amazing creature’s supposed evolutionary development.

Inspired by God, King David proclaimed,

“The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.” (Psalm 53:1)

Man’s fallen nature is a foolish nature.  Even when highly educated, it rejects accountability to Jesus Christ, the Creator. Most of our educational facilities essentially require acceptance of an evolutionary model as a filter through which successful students must pass.  However, true science does not support this evolutionary theory.

Jesus Christ, the Creator, died and rose again for sinners who hate Him.  He alone can redeem this fallen nature from sinful foolishness.

“He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.” (1 John 5:12)

Have you asked Him to save you?


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