Man that Claims to be God!

© 2012 by Tom Boynton (editing by Kathy Boynton)

I know a man that has made many bold claims over the years. He once claimed to have a monopoly on granting people access to God. On that same occasion, He claimed to be the only source of truth and light. Do you know anyone like this? What do you suppose motivates a man to make such claims?

On another occasion, this man actually told people that His birth had been joyfully anticipated, hundreds of years ago, by Abraham of the Bible. Can you imagine making such claims? Speaking of God the Father, He once said, “I and the Father are one,” and, one day, He even told a Middle Eastern woman that He could give her living water which would bring her eternal life and keep her from ever getting thirsty again. Then He claimed to be Messiah.

Now, I don’t know about you, but I would be afraid to make such claims about myself. In fact, I’ve often rejected much less aggressive claims by arrogant people. I believe that, unless you’re God, Himself, such claims are blasphemy! Don’t you agree?

Are you wondering who this man is? Are you wondering how I reacted to His claims? Well, I’ll tell you. His name is Jesus, the Christ. My reaction was to bow before Him as Lord and Savior. I asked Him to save me from my sin.

You see, His bold claims are true. The claims, above, are all recorded in the following passages of the Bible: John 14:6, John 8:56, John 10:30, and John 4:14. Read them for yourself.

If you are to be saved, you must come to Christ, who is God the Son, and ask Him to apply the redemption price of His sacrificial blood to your sin debt. If you do, He will not cast you out. He said, “All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37).

Do you know this man?


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