Do You Say “Thank-You”?

© 2012 by Tom Boynton (editing by Kathy Boynton)

I remember the 1960s. Our society had turned against its soldiers returning from military action in Southeast Asia. Many returned, seriously wounded, to their homeland only to face a society which considered them criminals deserving of the wounds they had received.

This morning, I was refreshed as I realized that our country is now thankful for the sacrifices and service of its military members. The TV segment I was watching repeatedly reminded viewers to thank those who have served our country through military service. This is an encouraging and comforting switch from the mood of the ‘60s.

However, as I watched this segment, I realized that there is still an even more important “thank you” which has been forgotten. Even though we have begun to thank our military members for their sacrifices, it has become politically incorrect to thank God who gives life and breath both to us and to our military.

On the infamous day of 911, there was an old church building that narrowly missed being destroyed by the falling towers. I recently learned that it was to this very building that President George Washington led all of Congress on the day of his first inauguration. There they publicly sought God’s blessing and protection for the fledgling new nation. There they joined together in public thanksgiving to God for His deliverance and mercy. I fear that even as we thank our military, we have forgotten to thank God.

While it is a great evil to neglect thanking God for national deliverance, it is an even greater evil to ignore His eternal deliverance. God sent His son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to pay the penalty for sin by his substitutionary, sacrificial death. Yes, we should thank our servicemen. Yes, we should thank God for national blessings. Most importantly, however, we should cry out to Him for eternal forgiveness and then thank Him for it. Speaking of this forgiveness, the apostle Paul proclaims, “Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.” (2 Corinthians 9:15)

Have you called out to Him to save you from your sin? If so, have you thanked Him for His eternal mercy?


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