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© 2013 by Tom Boynton (editing by Kathy Boynton)

Last week we saw that accurate presentation of Christ’s Gospel requires vivid declaration of the distinction between good and evil. The Christian is called upon to flee evil and follow after righteousness (1 Timothy 6:9).

Some would argue that Christians should not urge their beliefs on the unsaved. Why not? The unsaved, who themselves need salvation, are pushing their beliefs down the throats of our children, who also need salvation. Only the truth of Christ can set either of them free (John 8:32). If we, as Christians, don’t speak the truth against loud proclamations of wickedness, we are endorsing that wickedness in the presence of our children and grandchildren by our silence.

How often have you heard people say, “I could care less about the personal life of a particular leader as long as he is effective in his office?” Hogwash! The moral fiber of our leaders and our fellow countrymen is essential! The more people’s hearts are turned away from God, the greater will become the prohibitions on Christian activities! Some, who have taught that God declares certain “lifestyles” to be wicked, have been convicted of “hate speech” and incarcerated. Their children have been removed from their influence. Last week we observed that God’s Word says, “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people (Proverbs 14:34).” The further our country slides down the slippery slope of wickedness, under leadership of wicked rulers, the more Christians will be prevented from preaching the Gospel, even to their own children. The early founders of our country came here for deliverance from such prohibitions.

John the Baptist’s mission was to introduce Christ and His Gospel to his countrymen. Notice, however, that he was uncompromising in his declarations to the ruler, Herod, concerning Herod’s personal wickedness in adulterously taking his brother’s wife, Herodias. For this, John the Baptist was thrown in prison and eventually beheaded (Matthew 14:3-12). Observe that John saw no inconsistency between his primary mission and his declaration that Herod’s personal life was wicked.

Christians and Christian leaders: Will you remain silent, or will you preach a true gospel that distinguishes between good and evil, and proclaims Christ’s blood-sacrifice as the only available deliverance, for sinners, from eternal death and torment?

click here for a related article CHRISTIAN:  TELL IT LIKE IT IS


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