What’s more urgent than a prairie fire?

© 2016 by Tom Boynton (editing by Kathy Boynton)

God once showed us His control over a prairie fire.  Our daughter and son-in law had called to tell us a prairie fire was approaching his brother’s house near Midland, Texas.  They asked us to pray.

We immediately stopped and prayed.  Normally I would tend to pray that fire fighters would get there in time, or that the family would evacuate quickly, or that God would somehow activate other resources to help them.  On this occasion, however, I felt compelled to pray that the Lord would directly show His power and glory by reversing the wind direction before the fire reached their house.   My desire was that folks would see and hear of His powerful hand at work.

Soon thereafter they reported to us that the fire had burned to within a short distance of the house.  The wind then reversed and their house was saved.  God had very specifically granted our request.

People sometimes tend to give flattering titles to people who receive impressive answers from the Lord.  They are called such things as “mighty prayer warriors” or “mighty men and women of faith.” There’s no such thing!  God is the mighty one.  My wife and I are just weak children who ask our Father for things.  He gives us many kind and loving answers.  His answers are not always exactly what we expect, but He has very kindly provided us many notable examples of His love.  We hope knowledge of these answers will attract you to Him.

Something far more urgent than a prairie fire is approaching each of us.  At the conclusion of our life here on earth, we will each be given our eternal, irrevocable assignment based on the relationship we had with Christ before death.  Yet many of us put off thinking about it.  God the Son offered His life-blood at Calvary to pay the penalty for sins.  He is the one who will announce and implement your final assignment.  He says of himself,

“I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death” (Revelation 1:18).

 Many, today, reject God’s authority.  Will you join them, or will you ask Him to save you from the fire of His wrath?


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