Should We Expect God’s Help in Finding a Pencil in a Haystack?

© 2015 by Tom Boynton (editing by Kathy Boynton)

You’ve probably heard the expression, “That’s like finding a needle in a haystack.” It describes situations in which finding something is nigh impossible. So pray?!

I don’t believe we should think God exists to serve us and cater to our every whim. He is the one who says of Himself,

“…I am God, and there is none like me, Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:” (Exodus 46:9-10).

I have discovered, however, that His pleasure includes gentleness and encouragement to His redeemed people.

Yesterday, while working around the farm I lost my pencil. I’ve lost count of how many times the Lord has helped me find nuts and bolts which I drop in the grass. Often, after an unsuccessful search, my wife asks me, “Have you prayed about it yet?” After sheepishly admitting that I haven’t, and asking Him for help, I usually find the item almost immediately.

Yesterday, seeking to avoid the idea that God exists to help me find things, I had decided to abandon my search and just buy a new pencil. However, I then sensed a prodding in my spirit. It was like the Lord was nudging me to trust Him for this small thing. Retracing my steps looking for the pencil, I asked Him to increase my faith regardless of whether or not I found it. This time I felt like I was obeying Him rather than the other way around. After unsuccessfully retracing my steps, there was one more thing I needed to do before returning to the house. I opened the corral gate allowing the one cow still inside to access the hay I had just put out. I generally chain the gate to the hay ring to keep it open. As I bent over to do so, there, where I’d previously looked, was my pencil in plain sight. I was awed by my Savior’s gentle love for me!

Finding my pencil is not hard for the Lord. However, dying to save His people from their sins was huge! That’s why He came (Matthew 1:21)!

Do you ask God to help find small things, and yet fail to find Him as your Savior from sin? He’s not a pencil in a haystack (Psalm 19:1).


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