High Plateau:  Are You Still Falling?

© 2021 by Tom Boynton (editing by Kathy Boynton)

Once upon a time, The Supreme King established a high plateau which reached into the clouds.  It was surrounded on all sides by a deep crevasse from which eternal flames rose into the darkness.   This crevasse was so deep that objects falling over the edge could take many decades before crashing to the bottom.  The Supreme King had commanded His subjects to remain on the plateau and stay clear of its edge.  He warned that, if they fell, they would certainly die and incur His wrath.  He later placed special warning signs near ten particularly dangerous ledges.  Sadly, many plateau dwellers believed that obeying just a few of these warning signs would keep them safe.

As time passed, the King’s enemy projected holographic images of attractive fruit just beyond the plateau’s edges.  Since these holographic images were very alluring, many plateau dwellers jumped out from the edges trying to grasp them.  This trap was very effective.  Every plateau dweller fell and began a deadly plunge into the depths.

Knowing this would happen, the Supreme King prepared a rescue plan.  His Son voluntarily sacrificed His own life to pay the sin penalty for all who beg to be rescued.  He rescues and forgives all who do.  He implants, within those rescued, a living heart which desires to obediently follow Him.  Sadly, most never follow Him nor seek this forgiveness.  Instead, they continue to enjoy their wicked free-fall toward the deadly chasm depths.  It ends in a fiery death from which they shall never escape.

In this story, the high plateau represents the lofty position for which God made man.  He created him in His own image.  The ten warning signs represent the Ten Commandments which God placed in the Bible.  The holographic images represent the vaporous and fleeting temptations by which our enemy seeks to deceive and destroy us.

Man often prides himself on keeping a few of the commandments.  However, Jesus said that just one infraction renders a person totally guilty.  God categorizes as “wicked,” all who have not sought the Savior’s forgiveness.

“For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.”(James 2:10)

“God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day.” (Psalms 7:11)

Each of us has gone over the edge.  If you’re still living, you’ve either sought forgiveness or rejected it.  Those of us rescued by grace through faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ anticipate unending blessing with Him.  However, if you still fearlessly enjoy the exhilaration of sin, you are in great danger. Your continued free-fall shall ultimately end in the chasm’s fiery depths.

“… Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, …” (Acts 16:31)


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