© 2020 by Tom Boynton (editing by Kathy Boynton)

Once upon a time, in a storybook-like world called Aheeon, there were two groups of people.  One group of Aheeonites was called the Sophos, and the other, the Aphrons.  The Sophos were very cunning.  As they looked at the universe, they devised very complex theories about its origins.  They had one foundational assumption upon which all their theories were based.  Their assumption was that only inanimate, unintelligent, and eternally existing processes had produced all things.

The Aphrons, however, embraced less speculative logic.  When they looked at the universe, they were awed by what they saw.  They believed the many existing complex, and highly ordered entities, including intelligent beings, had required an intelligent designer.   They also concluded that this intelligent designer must have always existed.  Unintelligent processes could not have created Him nor any other intelligent beings.  Besides that, He had revealed Himself many times and in many ways through His creation, and through chosen prophets.  Because of their adherence to straightforward logic, the Aphrons were troubled by the many inconsistencies of the Sophos’ theories.

For example, both Sophos and Aphrons had often observed a phenomenon they called “the second law of thermodynamics.”  According to this law, all things tend toward a state of increased disorder over time.  However, both Sophos and Aphrons recognized that the universe contains many highly organized, intricate, and even intelligent entities.  The Sophos’ denial of an intelligent creator forced them to devise speculative theories of origins.  These theories imagined that, over many eons of time, many small exceptions to this law had, somehow, repeatedly occurred.  These exceptional, unintelligent violations of this law eventually accumulated in an orderly manner to produce order out of chaos.

In contrast to the Sophos, Aphrons were reluctant to embrace complex theories which sought to ignore observed reality.  They believed that the long eons of time, speculated by the Sophos’ theories, would only produce more disorder, not less.  They had often seen abandoned, partially completed sand castles on the beach, quickly obliterated by the winds and waves.  Thus, the Aphrons deemed the Sophos’ theories inconsistent with the obvious and observable facts of nature.  Consequently, the Aphrons came to believe that the following statement, revealed by the creator, is the foundation of all true science.

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1)

If this is true, we are all answerable to Him!


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