Dinglemog:  Name Without Honor

© 2015 by Tom Boynton (editing by Kathy Boynton)

You’ve probably never heard of “Dinglemog” because he’s a small and little respected deity in the imaginary land of Dingleworld. Even though Dingleworldians have little respect for Dinglemog, they frequently use his name to make people pay attention to what they’re saying. His name, though not highly respected, has such an emphatic sound that it makes almost any statement sound more authoritative.

In the land of Dingleworld, you will hear Dinglemog’s name used in many situations. If a person wants to tell someone that the weather is really cold, he will emphasize that statement by saying, “Oh my Dinglemog, it’s cold today!” If folks become really surprised about something, they don’t just say, “you surprised me.”  They say “Oh my Dinglemog! You surpised me!” The use of Dinglemog’s name in describing an extremely tasty ice cream cone adds great emphasis to that description. Dingleworldians are often heard saying, “Oh my Dinglemog! This ice cream cone is incredible!” Throughout the land of Dingleworld, Dinglemog’s name is lightly used in, almost every conceivable situation, to add emphasis to a statement. People really don’t think much about Dinglemog himself, when they use his name. They just use it without much thought.

Back here, in our own world, folks don’t use Dinglemog’s name. Instead, they use the name of God. Equivalently, they use the name of Jesus Christ, who is God. In this manner, the name “God,” is used in the same empty and light way that Dingleworldians use the name “Dinglemog.” I’ve even heard folks who claim to be Christians refer to God in this manner.

Using God’s name this way is very serious. It is using God’s name in vain. God forbids this!

“Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain” (Exodus 20:7).

Are you an unsaved person using God’s name this way? If so, cry out for mercy to God the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who died on the cross, and rose again, to save sinners.

Christian! Do you refer to our great God in the same way Dingleworldians refer to Dinglemog? Such disrespect for His name will never draw sinners to Him.

Honoring God’s name is essential in drawing others to seek Him as Lord and Savior!


For another article on this topic see VAIN USE OF GOD’S NAME!

For a related article see AWESOME!



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