King’s Kids awed by The LORD’s answers

© 2016 by Tom Boynton (editing by Kathy Boynton)

Previous articles described how the Lord treated us like King’s Kids. Kathy and I had repeatedly presented the following three very specific requests to the Lord for several months prior to a military reassignment.

1. We asked the Lord to sell our house to Christians who could maintain a testimony for Him in our neighborhood.
2. We asked Him to help us quickly find housing in our new area to avoid wasting needless energy in searching.
3. We asked Him to quickly lead us to the group of believers with whom He wanted us to fellowship.

We’ve already shared the Lord’s kind and abundant answers to our second and third requests. Later that same year He revealed his third answer which was to our first request.

It was the Christmas season. One of the cards we opened was from the young couple who had purchased our house. We had sold it remotely through a realtor so had never met the buyers or their children. At the bottom of the card were their names along with the names of their two sons, Jamie and Jeremy. The name “Jeremy” (short for Jeremiah) caught our attention because we had also named our son “Jeremiah.”

We responded with a short letter explaining that our greatest desire for our son was for him to be exalted by God’s salvation through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Thus we had named him “Jeremiah” which means “exalted of the Lord.” We mailed the letter.

About a week later we received a reply dated December 17, 1974. When we read it, Kathy and I were so excited that we have kept it all these forty two years as of this writing. Now, with letter in hand, I quote, verbatim, the first several sentences of their hand-written reply.

“Dear Tom & Kathy,
There’s no way to explain what we felt when we read your letter. We are both saved born again Christians. I was saved two & one half years ago and Jack was saved three months later. So you see we have more in common than just sons named Jeremy! It thrills us to see people like you who witness for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”

Kathy and I were awed at what our Lord had done with all three of His amazing answers. Our hearts welled up with thanksgiving. Even today a lump forms in our throats as we think about it.

“Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised; and his greatness is unsearchable” (Psalms 145:3).

If you aren’t already, may the Lord fill your heart with a desire to be one of The King’s Kids.


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