Are You an Active Participant in this INVASION!

© 2022 by Tom Boynton (editing by Kathy Boynton)

Kathy and I personally know a young couple who just returned from a harrowing trip to the Ukraine.  They’d strongly sensed God’s leading and providing for them to adopt a very sick little boy from a Ukrainian orphanage.  After months of preparation, they made the long journey to do this.  The deteriorating political situation seemed likely to prevent their intended adoption and safe return from that country.  However, as many prayers went up, the Lord, creator of the universe, showed His mighty power.  The  embassy had been ordered closed in anticipation of the imminent invasion.  However, by God’s grace, two kind employees persisted in issuing the adopted child’s passport before leaving.  The adopted child’s visa was the very last one issued before embassy closure!

The imminent invasion, which made this adoption so difficult, resulted from insatiable wickedness of a murderous political leader.  In turn, this wickedness resulted from the sin of Adam in the garden of Eden.  He disobeyed God’s command which said,

“But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” (Genesis 2:17)

Since then, Adam and billions of his descendents have either died, or soon shall.

But there’s another invasion being led by God the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.  As prophesied long ago, He came to earth through His virgin birth.  He was pure and sinless.  As the perfect Lamb of God, He died and rose again to pay sin’s penalty.  He saves all who call to Him for mercy and deliverance from their sins.  Those following the Savior are attacking the strongholds of Satan who holds most of the world in his clutches.  But Satan has been defeated and shall be cast into the lake of fire with billions of his followers.  He shall be unable to prevent the salvation of God’s elect.  They shall be freed eternally as indicated in the following statement by Christ to His apostle Peter.

“And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” (Matthew 16:18)

Gates are defensive structures and don’t typically jump off their hinges to attack.  Satan’s gates keep his followers locked in deceit. Though he seeks to deceive the whole world, his gates of deceit shall be unable to lock all of humanity into his vicious agenda.  As Christians preach the good news of salvation by faith in Jesus Christ, Satan’s gates of deceit shall be unable to prevent God from saving all of His elect!

Are you participating in Christ’s victorious attack on the “gates of hell” through the gospel of Christ?


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