Appointment to Eternity

© 2012 by Tom Boynton (editing by Kathy Boynton)

From my boyhood days, I remember many happy times with my parents and sisters at family outings. Sometimes we would spend a day at the beach. Sometimes we would plan a longer vacation at our favorite lakeside Christian Camp in the Adirondack Mountains. Especially on the longer trips, the enjoyment was heightened by weeks spent anticipating the vacation. I remember, on one occasion, even feeling sorry for some kids that we passed along the way. They were just sitting on their front porch, unable to enter into the joy of my anticipation. Those special times have left fond memories that have turned golden with age.

However, each of those cherished family activities eventually ended. When they did, I would always feel sadness. Adding to that sadness were events that brought pain. I remember when my first dog died. I remember when our upstairs neighbor died. I have now come to the point in life that I can remember the deaths of both of my parents and both of my wife’s parents. Yet, as always, we would move on and seek to anticipate the next joyous activity of the future.

Eventually, however, all of the activities of this life will end. There is a poignant Scripture that says, “… it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment…” (Hebrews 9:27). This appointment will occur whether or not you believe in the God who created you. At this appointment, you will hear your creator speak one of two commands to you. Either He will say, “…Come, ye blessed of my Father …” (Matthew 25:34), or you will hear the dreaded words, “…Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:” (Matthew 25:41). If He tells you to depart, you will never again have anything joyous to anticipate. Nothing will ever soften the eternal horror that waits for you. I plead urgently with you today! Call out for mercy and forgiveness to Jesus Christ, who loved and died for sinners. He will not turn you away.

You have an appointment! What then?


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