© 2013 by Tom Boynton (editing by Kathy Boynton)

Political correctness and mass media distortions have caused many to think “discrimination” is inherently evil. It is not! Proper discrimination daily blesses and preserves our lives. Discrimination is simply the act of distinguishing between things that are different. We refrain from ingesting poison because we know it would kill us. This is discrimination. We look both ways before crossing the street to distinguish between safe and dangerous times to cross. This is discrimination. When a court of law incarcerates a child molester to prevent further harm to children, it is distinguishing between the predator and the victim. This is discrimination.

In the Bible, God has established discrimination as a blessing for individuals and society. The Ten Commandments tell us to love the Lord God Jehovah but refrain from worshipping false gods. This is discrimination. These same commandments tell us to use the Lord’s name only in reverence — not lightly as a swear word. This is discrimination. God told His people to set aside one day per week, as special, to focus on the Lord Himself. This is discrimination. He told us to treat our parents with honor rather than disrespect. This is discrimination. He told us to refrain from murder, adultery, and theft. He commands us to speak the truth, rather than lies, and to refrain from wanting what our neighbor has, rather than what God has given us. All of these commands establish a system of righteous discrimination as a blessing to mankind.

However, we as a people have sinned. We have rejected God’s laws of discrimination and set up our own. We are told not to discriminate against those actions God has condemned. As a result, many embrace sodomy, encourage the murder of unborn children, and refuse to allow mention of Jesus Christ, the Savior, in our public schools.

Because of our sin, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ the Savior, to shed His blood, at Calvary, as a merciful and sacrificial redeemer. He will forgive all who come to Him, in repentance and faith, asking for mercy. However, God Himself discriminates: “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him” (John 3:36).

Have you rejected, or have you embraced God’s system of discrimination? The implications of your answer are eternal.


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