There is a Remedy for Faithless Existence

© 2019 by Tom Boynton (editing by Kathy Boynton)

Imagine a world devoid of faith.  One couldn’t believe anything without first proving it scientifically.  Of course, proving it scientifically would require faith in the scientific process.  In this world, even simple conclusions would be impossible.

René Descartes, an early 17th century French philosopher, struggled to prove that his own existence wasn’t an illusion.  He attempted to prove this with the now somewhat famous statement, “I think, therefore I am.”  However, even if he believes in his own existence, because he thinks, he still can’t prove anyone else thinks.  That other person might still be a figment of his imagination.

Under such a thought process, you might decide to determine the number of fingers on your hand.  You’d first have to prove that you have a hand.  “Oh,” you say, “I know I have a hand because I’m looking at it.”  But how do you know your eyes are working correctly?  In fact, how do you know you have eyes?  You might reply, “I know I have eyes because I can see.”  But how do you know that what you see isn’t just a hallucination?

When God created man, He gave man the ability to know, fellowship with, and trust God.  Early in man’s existence, he lost life, faith, and fellowship through disobedience.  This has introduced misery and death into the human race ever since.  Actually, without faith in God, man is left in a dark, bleak vacuum of un-provable existence.  By rejecting faith in God’s existence and intelligence, man has been forced to construct bizarre alternative theories of creation.  These are based upon the non-intelligent processes of random chance and evolutionary natural selection.  However, evolutionary theory is inconsistent with the scientific principles man claims to believe.  These principles (including physics, thermodynamics, and mathematical probability theory) present irreconcilable challenges to man’s theory of evolution.

The only hope for mankind is for God to breathe faith and life into a dead heart.  God the Son, Jesus Christ, died a horrible sacrificial death to pay the penalty for sin.  He was buried and rose again the third day.  Only through repentant faith in this loving Savior, does God give eternal life to an otherwise faithless, lifeless person.

“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17)

Do you need faith?  Read God’s Word!


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