How Would You Respond if Asked “Does God Still Work That Way?”

© 2018 by Tom Boynton (editing by Kathy Boynton)

One day I selected the book George Müller of Bristol by Arthur T. Pierson, from our living-room bookshelf.  I was a teenager looking for a novel to read.  The title sounded like an interesting sea adventure.  So I began reading.

I quickly discovered it was far more exciting than a sea adventure.  It was a true story about a vile man who became a Christian.  As a Christian, George Müller believed that God was still as powerful as He was in the Old Testament Scriptures.  God then led him to undertake development of multiple orphan homes.  He trusted only God for the resources needed for this work.  He refused to make funding needs known to potential contributors.  Christians of his day tried to dissuade him from this approach.  They told him, “God doesn’t work that way anymore.”  However, Mr. Müller was convinced that God could be trusted just as in the Old Testament Scriptures.  God proved His faithfulness for the rest of George Müller’s life.  The orphans never missed a meal!  He was trusting the same Lord Jesus Christ who’d died for his sins and saved his soul.  During his life, he cared for thousands of orphan-children leading many of them to also trust his dear Savior.

There is a Scripture that comes to mind as I think about this book.  Jesus told His disciples,

“…If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.” (Matthew 17:20)

Though I’ve not been as consistent in exercising faith as was George Müller, God has still been faithful.  Multiple times He has stirred my wife and me to ask for very specific, difficult things.  He has answered in ways beyond our imaginations.  Looking back, I am awed that His greatest blessings were in answer to our requests for forgiveness of sins.  He, God the Son, died and rose again to accomplish this.  If we can trust Him for eternity, shouldn’t we be able to trust Him in this life as well?

Does God still work that way?  Has He showed you your need for His forgiveness?  Have you asked Him for it?  Does your life demonstrate His work in your heart?


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