Contact us

If the Lord has brought you to our website, we are thrilled and thankful.  If you have comments or questions, we welcome them, and desire to be a blessing to you in any interaction that results.

You may contact us by replying to our invitation Post 

or by emailing us at:

NEW ARTICLE ADVANCED PREVIEW OPPORTUNITY:  If you are interested, please avail yourself of our Light Drop previews by asking us to add you to our preview mailing list. Those on the list receive an advanced access link to the next Light Drop scheduled for publication.  We do not share this list with anyone (even others on the list – we use Bcc)!!!  This will insure that you are one of the first to see each next new article.  These emails will be mailed (approximately) weekly, prior to the next publication date.  If you ask us to place you on the list and later decide you don’t want to be on it any more, just email us, again, at the above address, with a brief request to be removed from the list, and we will immediately remove you from our list.  You will also be reminded of this removal opportunity in each preview email we send you.  Just emailing us will not cause you to be added to our mailing list unless your email specifically requests that we add you.

We would love to hear from you.

Tom & Kathy