Christian Husband:  Do You Honor Your Wife as God Commands? 

© 2018 by Tom Boynton (editing by Kathy Boynton)

The following thoughts are directed to each Christian husband who loves the Lord and desires to please Him.  Unsaved husbands will find it impossible to fully comprehend these thoughts.  However, perhaps the Lord will use these words to draw unsaved husbands to Himself.

As a Christian husband, God commands you to honor your wife.

“Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.” (1 Peter 3:7)

Unfortunately, a man reading the above instruction may focus on everything but the command to honor his wife.  Instead, he may focus on the words “weaker vessel,” and conclude that his wife is mentally inferior.  Thus, he acts in a condescending manner toward her.  He may recall that Eve was the first to eat the forbidden fruit.  Yet he may fail to notice that God places blame for this sin squarely on Adam’s shoulders.  God’s command regarding the forbidden fruit was given directly to Adam before Eve’s creation.  Yet, though present at Eve’s temptation, Adam didn’t stop her but, instead, joined her (see Genesis 3:6).

I‘ve frequently heard Christian husbands publicly dishonor their Godly wives with belittling comments.  One such man told me, “Woman love to talk.”  I reminded him that this characteristic is not restricted to women.  Christian husbands should honor the valuable wisdom God makes available to them from their Christian wives. This might even reduce the need for a wife to find meaningful conversation from other sources.

My dear wife helps me edit each article I write.  Her inputs contain great wisdom and insight.  Though I don’t adopt every suggestion she makes, most of her suggestions have drastically improved each article.

Christian husband:  The consequences of dishonoring your wife are serious.  The above passage reminds Christian husbands that they and their Christian wives are “heirs together of the grace of life.”  Both Christian husband and Christian wife have the same Lord and Savior.  He, as God the Son, shed His blood for them both, giving them equal status before Him.  A Christian husband’s failure to honor his valuable redeemed wife shall cause even his own prayers to be hindered.

Christian husband:  Do you honor your wife in your heart and before others?


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