© 2013 by Tom Boynton (editing by Kathy Boynton)

Fallen man is adept at renaming things in order to escape the stigma of heinous sin. Repeatedly, abuse of various segments of humanity has been justified by renaming them.

In earlier days, slave masters could kill their slaves. Slaves were considered “property” rather than “people.” Thus, killing a slave was not called murder. It was just the discarding of “property.”

Recently, at the Texas capitol, a “pro-choice” advocate told me that a life in the womb is not a baby. It’s simply “fetal tissue,” and remains so, until the moment of birth when, suddenly, it becomes a baby. Thus, babies are murdered as were slaves of earlier days. Both have been renamed to hide their humanity.

Another vulnerable class is the elderly. Some consider them to be “problems” which consume a disproportionate share of scarce resources. If termination of an unwanted “fetal” human being is acceptable, extermination of an unwanted elderly human being could easily become a similar convenient solution. “Assisted suicide” may become a “foot in the door” for this wickedness.

The problem with justifying murder is that, once the conscience is seared (1 Timothy 3:16), it becomes easier to murder additional classes of people by simply renaming them. Some have proposed psychological profiling as a means to deny certain individual rights to the “mentally unbalanced.” Once such profiling is allowed, however, what prevents application of this label to political or religious opponents? After that, what will prevent those in power from pursuing elimination of these mentally unbalanced “problems?” Remember Hitler?

Destruction of slaves, abortion of “fetal tissue,” and euthanasia of the elderly, are all similar solutions to these three class “problems.” Are you next? Are you supporting an agenda that will culminate in your own demise? No one can live long enough to escape old age. Are you setting up yourself for extermination when you become a “burden” on society?   If so, be prepared, because God’s Word, the Bible, says, “…be sure your sin will find you out” (Numbers 32:23). Call out to the Lord Jesus Christ for mercy, forgiveness, and purification based on His sacrificial substitutionary death, at Calvary, for repentant sinners.

God says: “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool” (Isaiah 1:18).


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