What Does the One Who Sees All See in Your Heart?

© 2018 by Tom Boynton (editing by Kathy Boynton)

God sent Samuel to anoint one of Jesse’s sons to be king.  As Samuel surveyed each of Jesse’s sons, he noticed Eliab was strong and good looking.  He thought Eliab would surely be God’s choice.

“But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7)

Until recently, our laws were based on the actions of a person.  A man couldn’t be convicted based on what he was thinking or how he felt.  Why?  Because man can’t reliably judge what’s in man’s heart.  He can only guess based on actions.

Newer laws have introduced the label “hate crime” into the legal process which determines level of guilt.  Now, two different people, committing the same action, can receive different treatment under the law.  “Hate crimes” receive more severe judgment. This removes objectivity from the legal process.

Only God can directly observe hatred in the heart, and His observations are always perfect and accurate.  Man cannot do this.

When one man tries to infer what’s in another man’s heart, he must rely on actions, expressions, and observable characteristics.  Such indirect indicators are unreliable.  On November 5th, 2017, several of our good friends were massacred at the Sutherland Springs Baptist Church.  There has been much debate over whether or not this was a “hate crime.”

God, however, knows exactly what is in man’s heart and will render perfect judgment based on what He sees there.  A person cleansed by the blood of God’s Son, will enter eternal blessing.  Others will experience a horribly different outcome!  No one will fool God.

Jesus Christ, died a sacrificial death on the cross, and rose again, to pay sin’s penalty.  He’ll receive all who come to Him seeking forgiveness and cleansing.  He changes the hearts of all He brings to Himself.

The inescapable day of reckoning approaches for each and every person.  Duration of the consequences will make all of life seem like a blink in time.

Christ, Himself, thoroughly knows your human heart.  When He judges you, will He see a heart redeemed and cleansed by His blood, or a heart which is still unrepentant?

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