Mortally Corrupted Sentient Units Rescued!

© 2017 by Tom Boynton (editing by Kathy Boynton)

Once upon a time, a powerful but benevolent designer developed a sentient unit capable of feeling and intelligence.  He affectionately embedded a prime directive into the unit’s operating system, establishing fellowship with himself as its highest priority.  He also provided it the companionship of a second unit which he fabricated out of material from the first.  He gave them pleasant rules for replicating themselves, and directed them to do so.  He placed them in a beautiful environment for their prosperity and enjoyment.

For a while things went well.  Relationships between the designer and his sentient units were permeated by mutual affection.  One day, however, an enemy of the designer hacked into the operating systems of both units.  With clever lies, he convinced them to accept modifications to their operating systems by disobeying the designer.  This neutralized the prime directive.  Immediately, they became more interested in serving themselves than in enjoying their designer.

Over time, a multitude of units were replicated.  Each had inherited the operating system corruptions initiated by the enemy.  All units had rejected the prime directive.  However, their designer subjected himself to a very costly process resulting in the repair of a few chosen units.  These units had objectives diametrically opposed to the objectives of those still unrepaired.  Thus, unrepaired units began to hate the repaired units which had the reinstated prime directive.  Because of their hatred, they convinced themselves that they were good and that the repaired units were bad.  This hatred further corrupted their operating systems which then increasingly purged thoughts of their original designer from their memory banks.  The benevolent algorithms embedded in the original design were increasingly replaced by algorithms of hate.  This led to intense persecution of repaired units.

Perhaps the preceding story reminds us of the Bible’s creation account.  God created man and woman to enjoy fellowship with Himself.  He gave them a beautiful environment to enjoy but Satan tempted them to disobey.  They died spiritually.  Then, God the Son, Jesus Christ, died and rose again to redeem His people from their sins:

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)

Have you trusted Christ, or are you still a sentient unit with a mortally corrupted operating system?


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