Highly Regarded Thermodynamics Law Proclaims Universal Deterioration

© 2017 by Tom Boynton (editing by Kathy Boynton)

Years ago, while studying to become an Electrical Engineer, I studied the four laws of thermodynamics.  Scientists recognize these laws as universal.  The second law of thermodynamics is the law of entropy which Physicists have long known can’t be violated. Though mathematically expressed, this law of entropy recognizes that the total physical disorder can only increase in any closed system.  This applies to the entire universe.  Any localized increase, in order, will be more than offset by the randomized energy released while producing it.  Only intervention from outside the system can reduce its total disorder.

Though this may sound complicated, we experience effects of this law every day.  Your freezer uses more energy to produce an ice-cube than the heat energy that ice-cube will absorb while melting.  The rooms you insist your teenage children clean, will rapidly lose their orderliness when those efforts cease.  That new car for which you paid so much money will break and need fixing.  Our own bodies deteriorate with age.

Imagine walking along an ocean beach and finding a sand castle.  You’d laugh at any suggestion it had come into being through random action of wind and waves.  You’d clearly understand that someone intelligent must have built it.  To preserve it for any length of time, the builder would have also had to intelligently expend even more energy.  Otherwise, the wind and waves would have left no trace of it.

In this context, then, let me ask you a question.  Why do some believe that the complex orderliness of life came into being through non-intelligent random actions of nature?  Do you believe this?

Scripture tells us:

 “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.  Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.  There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.” (Psalm 19:1-3)

Rejecting the creator also rejects the second law of thermodynamics.  Though God the Son, Jesus Christ, created everything, mankind fell into sinful unbelief producing death and disorder.  However, this same Jesus, came to live, die, and rise again to save His people from their sins.  When this happens His life-giving order is restored to their dead spirits.

Will you reject the fundamental second law of thermodynamics, or will you trust Christ as your Creator, Lord, and Savior?


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