Has the LORD moved you to pray for a friend?

© 2016 by Tom Boynton (editing by Kathy Boynton)

Dear Father,

 It’s just after 3AM and I’m wide awake.  Thank you, LORD, for allowing me to re-connect with a special friend yesterday.  Back when we were in high school, we enjoyed some of the same hobbies together and shared a close mutual friendship.

Once he told me he’d asked you to be his Savior, but, after that, he wasn’t able to continue meeting with us at the chapel to help him grow spiritually.

After that, we both married.  Since then, I think we only saw each other once or twice before our lives carried us in different directions geographically.  The last time we saw or spoke with each other was about 45 years ago.

I’d hoped that, as life progressed, he’d find close Christian fellowship to help strengthen his faith in you.  I’d assumed that, if his faith was real, it would hunger and thirst after such fellowship.

But, today, Father, when we finally got to speak with each other again, after so many years, he told me his life had not focused on such things as gathering with your people, but that he had, nevertheless, worked hard at living a good life.

Dear Father:  I know that none of our good lives can earn us your favor.  Only the death of Jesus on the cross was able to pay the penalty for our sins.  Only your Holy Spirit can bring our dead hearts to life.  But when you do this in our hearts, you give us the desire to obey you when you say,

 “And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:  Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching” (Hebrews 10:24-25). 

Dear LORD, I pray for my friend.  You’ve brought him to my mind and heart so many times before, but, this morning, you woke me from my sleep to pray for him, and I thank you for that.  Please breathe life into his heart and give him the thirst after you that living hearts have.  Draw him close to yourself and make him one of yours.

Please, dear Father.  I pray for him in the name of Jesus your Son, my LORD and Savior.


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