Has He made you one of  The King’s Kids?

© 2016 by Tom Boynton (editing by Kathy Boynton)

A previous article began to described how the Lord had treated us like King’s Kids. For several months prior to a particular military reassignment, my wife and I had prayed, very specifically, about three issues connected with that upcoming relocation.

1. We asked the Lord to sell our house to Christians who could maintain a testimony for Him in our neighborhood.
2. We asked Him to help us quickly find housing in our new area to avoid wasting needless energy in searching.
3. We asked Him to quickly lead us to the group of believers with whom He wanted us to fellowship.

The Lord’s first answer (to our second request) had demonstrated that He is the one who

“…is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,” (Ephesians 3:20).

Following is a description of the amazing way His second answer responded to our third request.

It was our first Wednesday living in the new area. My father had mentioned that some long-time family friends attended a very solid church in our new city. Hoping to find out where they were meeting, I repeatedly dialed their phone but no one answered. I then looked in the yellow pages and found a listing that looked interesting. I called the number. After an encouraging conversation with the pastor, I asked if they would be holding a prayer meeting that evening. He responded with an enthusiastic “yes!”

That evening we drove to the church. As we gathered around a table in the fellowship hall, the pastor mentioned several prayer requests. Specifically, he mentioned, by name, the friends I had been unsuccessfully trying to contact! He asked that we pray for them while they were out of town. This was the very church they attended! You can’t imagine how excited Kathy and I were about the clear way our Lord had answered our third request.

The one who died and rose again to save us from our sins had lovingly directed our steps and clearly showed us where He wanted us to fellowship. We continued to fellowship there the entire time we were stationed in that area.

Has the Lord caused your heart to call out in faith to trust Christ as your Savior?

Has He made you a King’s kid?


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