Are you one of the King’s kids?

© 2016 by Tom Boynton (editing by Kathy Boynton)

The Lord often reminds my wife and me that we’re King’s kids.  For several months prior to a particular military reassignment, my wife and I prayed, very specifically, about three issues connected with that relocation.

1. We asked the Lord to cause our house to be sold to Christians who could maintain a testimony for Him in our neighborhood.
2. We asked Him to help us quickly find housing in our new area to avoid wasting needless energy in searching.
3. We asked Him to quickly lead us to the group of believers with whom He wanted us to fellowship.

The Lord provided incredible answers, far beyond our expectations, to each request. In this article I’ll address His first answer, reserving the remaining answers for future articles. Though our faith was weak, His answers were mighty!

Nearing our new base, we stopped briefly at my parents’ home. Because cell phones didn’t exist, it was difficult to contact people en route. In spite of this, however, my new boss managed to contact us during this brief stop. The base housing office had called him offering me field grade housing normally reserved only for higher ranking officers. Since they’d been unable to contact anyone, who was both eligible and available, they offered it to us if we could sign for it that day. We did!

After accepting the house, we headed off-base to stay at a motel while awaiting our shipment of household goods. However, before actually leaving the base, Kathy noticed the Visiting Officers Quarters. She suggested we first check them for vacancies. The man at the counter said all accommodations were either full or reserved. As we turned to leave he said, “Hold on. Let me check one more thing.” Returning to the counter he said, “There’s a unit normally restricted for use only by General Officers, but the General who’s reserved it has been delayed. You can stay there tonight, but I can’t guarantee it for additional nights.” The accommodations were quite incredible and we were able to stay until we moved into the house.

Such answers to prayer, though undeserved, have left our hearts awed by Christ’s great love. However, even more wonderful is the fact that He, as God the Son, gave Himself as a blood sacrifice then rose from the dead to save us from our sins. His Spirit gave us faith in Him, making us King’s kids! (See John 3:1-8).

Are you a King’s kid?


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