Wounded for our Transgressions

© 2011  by Roger Hepworth

Isaiah 53:5 — But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

I can look at the above passage with perfect peace and assurance, only because the day when Jesus died I was perfectly clear before the judgment seat of God.  Isaiah’s statement that, “With his stripes we are healed,” means that I am healed from my sin.

The fact that God’s grace has constrained me to call out to Him for mercy, is God’s proof, within my heart, that the matter of my sins came to a close, centuries ago.  Jesus paid for my sin debts, before I was born, and they were nailed to the Cross of Calvary.  I can see the long list of my hideous sins against God hanging there with Him.  Oh!  See how large a roll it took to contain that list!  However, at the bottom, signed in the blood of Jesus Christ God’s Son, is the statement “PAID IN FULL.”  It does not matter how repugnant or long the list is.  The sin debt that I owe is gone!  I am acquitted and I am found not guilty before God as is every believer in Jesus.


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