I Want to Go To Heaven, What Do I Do?

© 2008 by Roger Hepworth

Heaven is an extraordinary place where mankind can have peace and comfort in the presence of God.  You might believe that you have to be very good to go to heaven, that heaven is available for only a select few, or even that there is no heaven.  However, heaven does exist and nothing you can do will get you in. The entrance requirements are the same for all regardless of IQ or physical abilities.

Is there good news?

Here are a few simple points to keep in mind:

  1. Heaven is free. Attempts to “work” your way in are fruitless. Nothing you do will improve your chances of getting in.
  2. Everyone has sinned. Sin is anything we do, say or think that is against God’s word—the Bible. Robbing, lying, hatred and lust are examples of sins.  Since there is absolutely no sin in heaven, everyone is ineligible for entrance, unless God washes us of what He considers filth.
  3. God loves the world, but He hates sin. The law’s purpose was to show us how sinful we are.  In the beginning, the only law was, “don’t eat that fruit” and even that was too hard!  He cannot allow those who disobey His law to go unpunished.  This punishment is eternal torment and separation from God in Hell.
  4. God provided a remedy for sinfulness. He came to earth in human form as the person of Jesus Christ to purchase redemption for His people.  He—though perfect and blameless–allowed himself to be put to death on a cross, and rose from the dead three days later. He died to atone for sins so that those who cry out to Him for forgiveness could be clean before God.
  5. We must receive this sacrifice by faith and believe that Jesus paid the price for our sin. When we receive this gift, we know that our place in heaven is assured.

Bringing it all together

Ask yourself these questions:

  1. Have you sinned? (who can honestly say no?)
  2. Are you willing to receive Christ’s death as payment for your sin?
  3. Are you willing to turn away from your sin and try to avoid it in the future? (in church jargon, this means repent)

Jesus will be your Judge or your Savior. What will Jesus do with you?



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