Do you have misdirected faith?

© 2016 by Tom Boynton (editing by Kathy Boynton)

Beware of misdirected faith that trusts a process rather than a person! Do statements, like the following, explain why you believe you’re a Christian?

“I’ve lived my life so that my good deeds outweigh my bad ones.”
“I’ve wisely decided to trust Christ.”
“I have a Bible. My name is written inside its cover.”
“I’m an active member of our church.”
“I read my Bible daily and memorize Scripture.
“I’ve always been a Christian. I grew up in a Christian family.”
“I’ve prayed the sinner’s prayer.”

Did you notice that each of these statements focuses on “I?” Although lip-service may be given to the idea that one needs to be saved, these statements show a lack of understanding regarding the depth of that need. From what do we need to be saved? Deep down, do we think that we only need to be saved from a few mild shortcomings which wouldn’t even be an issue if God weren’t so pure and demanding in His holiness? I wonder how many, who name the name of Christ, truly understand that we need to be totally reworked from the inside out because, even as babies, we come into this world as vile beings. Scripture says,

“The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies” (Psalms 58:3).

For a person to be saved, it takes nothing less than the infinite power of God to bring a dead spirit to life! In the passage, below, the Apostle Paul is speaking to Christians. The word “quickened,” which he uses, means “made alive.”

“And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins;” (Ephesians 2:1).

Did God quicken us because of anything we willed or did? No! We were dead! Scripture is crystal clear on this issue:

“So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy” (Romans 9:16).

If you take any credit, at all, for your salvation, you’re not trusting in Christ alone, who is God the Son! He alone paid the penalty for sin by His sacrificial death at Calvary. He alone kindles faith and a cry for mercy deep within a heart. He alone always responds to that cry.

Has He changed you or do you have misdirected faith?


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