© 2014 by Tom Boynton (editing by Kathy Boynton)


(Crash site facing departure end of runway – photographed June 2014)

Several years ago my wife and I considered planning a trip in which we would land our small aircraft at a high mountain airport. It has an elevation of over 8000 feet and is surrounded by mountains and hills. After visiting that airport in our truck, we decided not to risk such a landing. Shortly after that decision, there was a TV report about a small aircraft (similar to ours) which had crashed on takeoff at that same airport.

Last week we had an opportunity to re-visit that airport (again by truck). Carl, the airport manager on duty, turned out to be the one who had been on duty when the crash occurred. He sadly described the events of that day. Conditions included dangerous 50 knot crosswinds. Though he had pleaded with the pilot not to attempt takeoff in those conditions, the pilot said he couldn’t afford to wait. Rolling down the runway in that thin mountain air, he had difficulty lifting off. After lift-off, he never gained full control as the aircraft wobbled wildly finally crashing in flames next to the highway about one half mile past the end of the runway. All four aboard died on impact. We somberly photographed the 4 crosses which now serve as solemn reminders of that tragic event.

In reality, we are all on our takeoff-roll into eternity. From the moment we are born, we are headed toward that inescapable event. The winds of God’s fiery wrath burn against all who don’t have Christ as their Savior and sin bearer (John 3:36). Though Christ Jesus, God the Son, offered Himself as the sin bearer in a blood sacrifice at Calvary, all who refuse to repent of their sins and ask His forgiveness are actually continuing their takeoff-roll toward a fiery eternity.

Scripture warns that most will ignore these warnings and continue their takeoff-roll without Him. “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it” (Matthew 7:13-14).

Has Christ caused you to heed His warning, repent of your sins, and ask Him for forgiveness, or are you continuing your takeoff-roll into eternity without Him?


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