© 2014 by Tom Boynton (editing by Kathy Boynton)

Decades ago, when I was a young man, most of society respected God’s Word, the Bible. Established laws enforced Biblical prohibitions against behaviors such as sodomy, adultery, robbery, and murder. I knew a police officer who worked in the vice squad of a large city. His job involved arresting men and women who sold their unsavory services on the black market.

Today society is divesting itself of God’s prohibitions. Behaviors, once clearly recognized as evil, are now described as an “alternate lifestyle.” This is a slippery slope. Just a few decades ago the idea that sodomy and abortion could ever be described in such tolerant terms would have been considered bizarre. Consider this! What is to prevent additional evil behaviors, which you still despise, such as murder of adults and of the “genetically inferior,” from being added to this list of tolerated “alternate lifestyles”?

What if you were to awake tomorrow and discover that you have become the target of a new law authorizing citizens to organize for the purpose of hunting down and destroying folks, like you? This authorization could be based upon any number of characteristics deemed “undesirable.” They wouldn’t call it “murder,” they would call it “euthanasia” or, perhaps, “social cleansing,” or even “mercy killing.” The behavior of those dedicated to such murderous bounty hunting could simply be described as another “alternate lifestyle.”

Beware! Renaming things doesn’t change what they are! Murder is still murder no matter what you call it. Sodomy is still sodomy no matter what you call it. Adultery and fornication are still wicked in God’s sight no matter what you call them.

Scripture says, “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God” (Psalms 9:17). However, the Lord Jesus Christ, God the Son, came to die on the cross of Calvary, shedding His blood to redeem and pour out mercy upon all sinners who come to Him in repentance asking forgiveness.

To those who reject such redemption, God presents this sobering question: “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him…?” (Hebrews 2:3).

Do you need God’s mercy, salvation, and purifying life to escape fallen man’s “alternate lifestyle” of rebellion which leads only to certain and eternal death?


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